Event Location: Cocoa-FL
Competition: Critter Comfort Cottage
Division: 3-5
School: Lockmar Elementary
Team Size: 4

We are the Eco-Rabbits, from Lockmar Elementary. Avelene, Emmy, Eva, and Mattie, the engineers of the Eco-Rabbits, rabbit hutch. Our design was built using recycled pallets, screws, hinges, latches, hard work and A LOT of love.
Species Overview
Common Name: rabbit, hair, or bunny
Scientific Name: Oryctolagus cuniculus domestics
Adult weight: six pounds
Child weight: 3-4 oz, and by 8-9 weeks weigh 5 lbs.
Behavior: Rabbits can be very playful sometimes, though sometimes when they are tired they will want their own space to sleep.
Food: Normally carrots are a very popular food for rabbits but its not always healthy for them, this is what they eat on a daily basis: Pellets, hay, lettuce, fruit, and vegetables.
Treats: Grapes, carrots, blackberries, blueberries, dandelion, bananas, and apple seeds.
Bedding: Aspen, hay, rabbit litter, shredded paper, an old towel, pellets, cellulose, cat litter, and card board.
What you should use for making a home: Wood, plastic, marble, bricks, fence, or a cave
What to put inside: A bucket, bowl, something to climb or play on, and mini balls to chew on or hay
Supplies: We chose to use recycled pallets to build our rabbit hutch. This helps the environment by using recycled material.
Special Features: Our hutch has a door, a ramp and a partial removable floor. When it is time to clean, remove the floor and allow debris to fall to the ground, then rake or sweep for easy clean up!

Community Partners:
Today we got to explore and learn at The Home Depot on Malabar. They took us on a tour of the the different areas, explained how they work together to help customers, and how to use tools safely. At the end we were able to make our own pinball machine. Thank you Home Depot for supporting our project.