
Empowering Student Innovation for a Clean Energy Future

Hope for Home

Event Year: 2023
Event Location: Cocoa-FL
Competition: Energy Inspired Art
Division: 3-5
School: Osceola Science Charter School
Team Size: 1

Energy Inspired Art

Sustainable Energy: Today’s EnergyWhiz = Clean Energy Future

Name: Arian P. (3rd grade)

Age: 9

Osceola Science STEM Charter School


  • Camera for pictures and videos 
  • Sketch Pad
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Ruler
  • Black Construction Paper
  • Blue Pen
  • Silver Sharpie
  • Crayola Coloring Pencils
  • Sharpener 
  • Recyclable Plastic Lid Cover
  • Music

Please see links below to view pictures and videos of my Energy Inspired Art Project


I was inspired to create this art piece after vacationing in Arizona with my family. While driving alongside the Arizona mountains, I saw so many wind turbines. They looked amazing! They were spinning from the wind and creating energy. WOW!!! In my artwork, there is a clear message of: we can choose our future. The right side of the art shows that hope for the future if everyone chooses to protect our Earth.

We should use renewable resources to help our planet. Kids my age know what renewable resources are and the different types of energy, as we learn this in Science at school. The left side shows what our planet is facing. It makes me sad to see where trash ends up. The pollution is harmful to humans and animals. Global warming can be reduced by sustainable resources. 

So, let’s choose the right future for all living things! 

I really enjoyed working on this art piece because it shares an important message. 

We should understand this message as kids, but also as adults to protect our planet. Please look at my wind turbines. They look amazing! I am so proud of them! I tried drawing them similar to the ones in Arizona. I hope you enjoy my Energy Inspired Art as much as I do. 


A few challenges arose while working on this project. My biggest challenge was time against me. I was meant to attend the Science Olympiad competitions on April 22nd, but it was canceled on April 10th. I wanted to participate with EnergyWhiz starting a long time ago and compete, but it didn’t work out with my other commitments. I am glad I was still able to register with EnergyWhiz to compete at Cocoa, FL. I worked on this art piece for many hours after school and my extracurricular activities. Then, I would pick back up after dinner. I enjoy listening to music while working on my art projects. 

The hands on my art piece were hard to draw and had to be redrawn a few times. The flowers were also hard for me to draw. I was able to use a recyclable lid cover to trace the half circle out, making something difficult for me much easier. 

The other challenge was creating a webpage for the very first time. I had many questions at first, but then I was comfortable and even had fun with it. Thank you to Mrs. Trujillo for showing me. Another thank you goes to EnergyWhiz for challenging me to complete something I have never done before.

Project Video – Please view link below

Please enjoy the following compilation of me working by clicking the link below


Thank you EnergyWhiz!

Thank you to my mom and dad for helping me with staying organized with my schedule. 

Thank you to my brother for encouraging me and liking my project. He is young but was able to interpret the message of what is Good Land vs. Bad Land (according to him). Thank you to my teacher, Ms. Mañon for teaching me lessons in class on different energy sources and renewable resources. The Science lessons really helped me to put this artwork together. You are AWESOME!

Thank you to Mrs. Trujillo for your guidance and for introducing me to a creative energy project.

I would like to thank Kissimmee Utility Authority (KUA) for sponsoring the teams at our school for this competition. 

19 thoughts on “Hope for Home

  • You have shown such amazing growth and hard work in your art piece! The colors are vibrant and the message comes across loud and clear! The webpage design is easy to navigate and your knowledge of science is stellar. This is outstanding!!

  • Awesome 👏🏻 it’s just perfect!!! I will love to have a copy 🙂☀️

  • Arian you have done an excellent job on your artwork. It shows how much hard work and dedication you have put into it. Good luck!!

  • Great job! I love your vision and artistry!

  • Great job! I love your vision and artistry!

  • I like how you did half the earth clean and the other polluted,I also like how you put lots of pictures of the art,and the sketch is really good too!-Angela-

  • I love that you put where you got your inspiration from!!!

  • This web page is very detailed, just like your project. The fact that your brother is able to interpret the message of Good Land vs. Bad Land shows that you had a detailed and clear design. The artwork is colorful and bright. You really did put your science knowledge from Mrs. Mañon to work! This is a beautiful piece of artwork. You should be very proud of yourself.

  • Arian, you are an inspiration to so many student! Your project is AMAZING. We are so proud of your accomplishments. Well Done!!!

  • I am completely blown away by Arian’s artistic skills, but most importantly his message! Since he was younger I could see that Arian had great potential for great things, and he has proven that through this masterpiece! Arian projected his message so well through his art. Way to go Arian! Miss Vega is very proud of you!

  • This is incredible, I’m inspired to be more conscious and hope we incorporate more renewable resources in the near future. Your depiction is very detailed and eye opening to see the differences caused by current vs renewable resources.

  • We are so proud of you. Keep up the good work.

  • Arian, your artwork is absolutely beautiful! It is clear you put a lot of hard work into this project. I like how you were inspired by an experience you had on vacation and were able to apply that to your project. I really like how you created the to different sides in one art piece. Great job!

  • Arian, your artwork is absoutly beautiful! It is clear you put a lot of hard work into this project. I like how you were inspired by an experience you had on vacation and were able to apply that to your project. I really like how you created the to different sides in one art piece. Great job!

  • I love how they made a picture/poster of there creation.

  • Great job, Arian! Miten mama and I are so proud of your hard work and dedication. You clearly spent a lot of time and effort making this beautiful artwork. You put a lot of thought into it. We pray you continue to succeed in all you put your mind to.

  • Great job! You did amazing not only with the art, but with the message. I’m proud of all of your hard work and know this is only the beginning for you!!!

  • Very well thought out. Loved the art work. Inspires me to do my part in saving the planet. Well done!!!


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