Event Year: 2024 Event Location: Cocoa-FL Competition: Energy Inspired Art School: Freedom 7 Elementary Team Name: dam dudes Project Name: flip book Team Size: 3
Hi We are Skylar s, Felicity b, and Penelope w and we are in 3rd grade and are doing a dam flipbook about and that it produces hydroelectric energy we will show you our video that we tried our best on we hope you like it! Did you know that the Hydroelectric power is electric for like city lights? After this picture we will show you our video. Just to know our flip book is about a dam evaluating and we go to fredom7 elementary school
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One thought on “Dam Dudes Flip Book”
A flip book is an awesome way to get other interested in energy related ideas. It was a little hard to see the drawings in your flip book so I hope you will attend EnergyWhiz so we can see it in person!
A flip book is an awesome way to get other interested in energy related ideas. It was a little hard to see the drawings in your flip book so I hope you will attend EnergyWhiz so we can see it in person!