Ocean Odyssey
Event Location: Cocoa-FL
Competition: Junior Solar Sprint
Division: 4-6 (JSS Green)
School: Buck Lake Elementary
Team Size:
Team name: Ocean Odyssey
School name: Buck Lake Elementary
Names: Lily A., Alex C.
Grade level: 5th grade

Journal pictures

Time tests
- 10.49
- 7.39
- 6.98
- 6.65
- 7.23
- 7.45
- 8.95
- 7.42
- 7.06
- 6.78
- 8.14
- 7.38
- 7.37
- 8.10
- 8.31
- 9.85
Length: 31 centimeters
Width: 17 centimeters
Height: 13 ½ centimeters
Most proud of
Journal entries
Lily – We are most proud of the cars speed and innovation with its colors and how the decorations hold back the wires.
Alex – We are most proud that it is faster than a meter a second. The decorations serve an innovative purpose, to hold back the wires.
Greatest problem and solutions
Lily – Our greatest problem was that the rubber band would not stay on the wheel. We tried five different rubber bands but none of them worked. Then we found one that worked for a few seconds. Lastly, we figured out that the motor was crooked, so we hot glued it so it would stay.
Alex – Our greatest challenge was that our solar panel at the beginning was not attached well. Mrs. Perez helped us push the Velcro on tighter. We also tried pressing but it was hard to keep the panel safe and press on it at the same time.
Your log book is exceptional! I really like how the cups are used in the design and the ocean theme. The fact the decorations hold the wires back is very innovative!