This is SOOO FABULOUS!!! I am so proud of your solar cookoff ! the pictures are terrific! it made me hungry !!
Maria Paz
your favorite art teacher lol 💕
Wow, I’m so impressed with this fun, interesting and innovative idea. I also love the healthy alternatives you are using in your baking. Keep up the good work and I can’t wait to see how it goes. On your mark, get set, and BAKE💜
Great job Geo and the Apple Guys! Keep up the good work!
Good Job guys! Your work is awe inspiring!!
This is SOOO FABULOUS!!! I am so proud of your solar cookoff ! the pictures are terrific! it made me hungry !!
Maria Paz
your favorite art teacher lol 💕
Wow, I’m so impressed with this fun, interesting and innovative idea. I also love the healthy alternatives you are using in your baking. Keep up the good work and I can’t wait to see how it goes. On your mark, get set, and BAKE💜
Good luck Apple Guys, your Peach Cobbler is a dreamy desert that was my favorite!
That’s awesome boys should work great
You are going to do great 👍👍🌱 just do your best!
Looks awesome Geo! Have fun!
This is absolutely adorable. You’ve all done such a beautiful and thorough job thus far. Best of luck on your first cook-off! ✨🍳🥙
This is so cool! Good luck Apple guys!
Great work, Apple Guys!! Love the simple Ingredients! Yum!