The Fluffy Bunnies
Event Location: Cocoa-FL
Competition: Critter Comfort Cottage
Division: 3-5
School: Zellwood Elementary
Team Name: The Fluffy Bunnies
Project Name: build
Team Size: 2
Zellwood Elementary School
Created By: Milani S. 4th Grade and Elizabeth B. 4th Grade
About the Bunny: Our bunny is named Starshine. She is 5 bunny years which is equal to 52 human years old. Starshine likes Watermelon, Celery, Lettuce, Strawberry, Parsley, Banana, and LOTS more food. She also loves attacking her bed and her emoji pillow
Design Documentation:
This is the first and second floor.
This is the area that has our pellets, hay, and water for the bunny.
This is the back view of our cage.
This is the first side view of our cage.
This is the second side view of our cage.
This is our toy bunny ”eating” the pellets.
Who helped us: Elizabeth’s father and Mrs.Owens helped us a little bit. The store pre cut the pieces of wood that are the stairs for the bunny. We used scissors to cut the mat and edge protectors.
Materials: 3 recycled plastic bins, 4 clips with springs, a plastic water bottle, a plastic food holder, 1 metal cage, 1 piece of black mat, 19 zip ties, one cage lock, two wooden platforms, and edge protectors.
Critter Test:
Critter Test Statement: Our bunny went up and down the ramp, ate her pellets and hay, and hopped around. Over all our bunny really enjoyed the cage.
Elizabeth is cutting the edge protectors.
Elizabeth is cutting the mat to be the same size as the piece of wood.
Milani and Elizabeth are setting up the cage.
Work Log:
December 12 | Milani , Elizabeth, Jana, and Serenity | On are first day we got broken into groups. Milani, Elizabeth, Jana, and Serenity became a group. |
December 19 | Milani , Elizabeth, Jana, and Serenity. | We all started thinking about what the animal should be and after a few minutes of thinking we decided we should do a hamster from one of our teachers, Mrs. Losch. After that Serenity quit then it was just Milani, Elizabeth, and Jana left. |
January 16 | Milani, Elizabeth, and Jana | We all started sketching the cage soon, we heard that the hamster was unavailable to use. But after that, Jana quit, leaving Elizabeth, and Milani left. |
January 20 | Milani and Elizabeth | At Elizabeth’s house, we decided to use Elizabeth’s pet rabbit then we started making the cage from cut cardboard boxes. |
January 23 | Milani and Elizabeth | Elizabeth started working on the website, meanwhile Milani was working on the walls. |
January 30 | Milani and Elizabeth | Milani continued working on the website meanwhile Elizabeth finished the outside of the walls. |
February 6 | Milani and Elizabeth | Elizabeth worked on the website while Milani started working on the inside of the walls |
February 13 | Milani and Elizabeth | Both Milani and Elizabeth worked on the poster. |
February 20 | Milani and Elizabeth | At Elizabeth’s home, Milani and Elizabeth decided to dump the cardboard box idea and instead use plastic. At school Elizabeth worked on the website while, Milani made the advertisement and continued to work on the poster. |
February 23 | Elizabeth | Elizabeth’s dad helped Elizabeth with the cage a little. |
February 27 | Milani and Elizabeth | Milani and Elizabeth brought the plastic cage to school. Milani continued to work on the advertisement and Elizabeth worked on the website. After that, we worked on the poster together. |
March 12 | Milani and Elizabeth | Elizabeth worked on the poster while Milani worked on the website. |
March 26 | Milani and Elizabeth | Both Milani and Elizabeth worked on the poster. |
April 1 | Milani And Elizabeth | Both Milani and Elizabeth made the video with Mrs.Owens help in the morning. |
April 2 | Milani and Elizabeth | Milani worked on the website meanwhile Elizabeth worked on the poster. |