Flower Goober
Event Year: 2023
Event Location: Virtual
Competition: Junior Solar Sprint
Division: 7-8 (JSS Blue)
School: Palmetto Middle
Team Size: 3

Event Location: Virtual
Competition: Junior Solar Sprint
Division: 7-8 (JSS Blue)
School: Palmetto Middle
Team Size: 3
by: Braden H and Maria Z

Palmetto Middle School
Grade: 8th

weight: 164 g
wheel size: front- 3cm back- 4cm
gear ratio 1:3
Components: Balsa wood, green paint, pipe cleaners, rubber bands, wheels, axles, motor, and solar panel
Funny name and the design is nice
LOL nice project and nice name
Great job!
Your car ran really smooth and straight…..and it looks really good too! Good job!