Event Year: 2024 Event Location: Cocoa-FL Competition: Energy Inspired Art School: Viera Elementary Team Name: Solar Soldier Project Name: Say no to charcoal Team Size: 2
This is our team the solar soldiers. I’m Jasper the one with the crazy hair and Jacob the one holding up a thumbs up (Also creator of the group)
We are doing a 3D model on solar energy We are doing this because to show people not to use charcoal and pollute the earth.😭
More on the project. Here’s how we made it, we used a piece of cardboard and put some paper on top and colored it green and black to represent the good side and the bad side. We used paper, cardboard, and foil. We made a bush out of crumbled paper also we used paper to make a solar panel. And cardboard and green paper to make a tree and a lot of tape. Also paper to make a factory and foil to make smoke 😭 and paper to make a tree stump.