Empowering Student Innovation for a Clean Energy Future
The Sun Says
Event Year: 2023 Event Location: Virtual Competition: Energy Inspired Art Division: K-2 School: Timber Lakes Elementary Team Size: 1
Maaya M , 2nd Grade , Timber Lakes Elementary School
Hi Guys,
My name is Maaya. I am in second grade and this is my Energy Inspired Art, THE SUN SAYS. With my art I want to tell people that we should use Sun’s energy and save earth. Let’s use solar energy. The Sun is special to me, so I gave it hair instead of sun rays.
This is so wonderful. I love that a 2nd grade wolf pup is already starting to want to protect the earth and learn about ways that the sun can be helpful.
This is very well done! Great job!
Your imagery of the Sun’s rays as hair (beautiful flowing hair), is just the way it sometimes feels to me on a bright spring morning. Good job!
Beautiful personalization of sun and a sweet motivation to use more solar energy. Great thoughts.
This is so wonderful. I love that a 2nd grade wolf pup is already starting to want to protect the earth and learn about ways that the sun can be helpful.